Friday, March 1, 2013

Taking Root

Time to try something new... I've been lax in my table top hobbies for a while (kids!) and have been thinking of doing a blog to get the sap flowing. I have plans to document my painting goals, Kickstarters I'm backing, review of model/gaming announcements,  Iron Kingdom RPG session progress, a few battle reports and post here or there about my second hobby, home brewing. We'll see how well I follow to my plans...

I guess a quick synopsis of me; as a kid I got Battle Masters and Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel which were the gateway drugs to tabletop gaming. Sadly no one played these games with me. Wasn't until High School I got into the library of Games Workshop games and found opponents to play against. Since then I've ensured my immortality by having a large collection of miniatures waiting to be painted from a variety of games and companies. My hobby time took a hit after my kids were born, but soon they'll be able to join me in the hobby if they so desire.

Now to the meat; the beginning of the month calls for planning the months activities. To help ease me back into working on my hobby projects, I'll keep my goals for this month small. First off I want to paint my Forge Father Dreadball team in the style of the New York Giants home colors. I find some twisted amusement in having dwarfs associated with Giants. We'll see what my Giants fan friend thinks of my team after it's done. Lastly (baby steps) I want to assemble and paint my District 5 buildings by Micro Arts Studio.

At the moment, the only Kickstarter project I'm backing (which is a change from the past few months) is Godslayer. It's a nice mixture of historical based and fantasy based factions. It's over in less then 24 hours, so have a peek if you're interested. Megalith Games has a lot of information up on their website.

That should be it for now; don't be surprised if the look of the blog changes as I tweek things.

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